​​State Board Policies​​​​​​

Section 100: State Governance

​​100-01 Establishment and Mem​bership of State Workforce Development Board

100-02 Duties of State ​Workforce Development Board

100-03 Policy Process for WV State Workforce Development Board

100-04 Compensation

100-05 Training Services Requirement

100-05 Training Services Requirement Guidance Notice​ ​

Section 200: Local and Regional Governance​

​200-01 Designation of Local Workforce Development Areas

200-02 Establishment and Membership of Local Workforce Development Boards

200-03 Duties​ ​of Local Workforce Development Boards

200-04 Certification of Local Workforc​e Development Boards​​​

200-04 Cer​tification Form

Section 300: One-Stop Delivery System

300-01 West Virginia's One-Stop System Vision

300-02 One-Stop Delivery: Comprehensive and Affiliated One-Stop Centers​​

300-03 Requirements for Local Memorandum of Understanding

300-03 Requirements for Loca​l Memorandum of Understanding MOU Template

300-04 One-Stop Infrastructure Funding

300-04 One-Stop Infrastr​ucture Funding template

​​300-05 One-Stop Center Certification

300-06 One-Stop Operator Requirements

300-07 Common​ Identifier


Section 400: Administrative Provisions

400-01 Priority o​f S​ervice


02 23 Allowable Costs - written procedures for determining the allowability of costs in accordance with the Uniform Grant Guidance Cost Principles.

01 17 Change 1 - provide the guidance and parameters for transferring up to 100 percent of a program year allocation for adult employment and training activities, and up to 100 percent of a program allocation for dislocated worker employment and training services between the two program.

02-17 Requesting Additional Funds - Change 1

02 17 Change 1 - provide guidance and parameters for requesting additional funds beyond formula allocations in order to serve customers when formula funds are obligated. 

WorkForce WV Agency Policies​​​

Adult and Dislocated Worker Follow-Up ADW-FLW-24-V1​ - Provision of follow-up services to participants exiting the WV Adult, and Dislocated Worker programs. 

Youth Follow-Up YTH-FLW​-24-V1 - Provisions of follow-up services to participants exiting the WV Youth program.